国際会議『Joint Conference on Language Evolution』をハイブリッド開催します。
EVOLINGUISTICS、EVOLANG(Evolution of Language International Conferences)、PROTLANG(Ways to (proto)language conference series)3団体の合同開催で、弊領域が主幹を務め、本領域研究の集大成となります。
新学術領域研究「共創的コミュニケーションのための言語進化学」若手の会主催の「コミュニケーションセミナーシリーズ」をオンラインにて開催いたします。 「2者間(動物・機械・ヒト or その他のエージェント)でどんな情報をどこまで意思疎通可能か?」「皆が共調的にコミュニケーションするためのキーポイントとは何か?」という2大テーマを探求します。
講演者 :Robin Dunbar氏 (Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK) 言語 :英語 日時 :2021/8/31 (火) 17:30-19:00 JST/2021/8/31 (Tue) 09:30 BST (少し延びる可能性あり)
申込サイト: https://forms.gle/TwGX8EPVrjbLVLPY9
概要 :
All animals communicate, but only humans have true language. This raises two important questions: why and when did language evolve in our lineage. I shall argue that language owes its origins to the way it is used in bonding large social communities, and hence its capacity to provide cues of community membership (which I refer to as the Seven Pillars of Friendship). Modelling its evolution suggests that it might have arisen quite quickly once it had got started. I approach the question of when language first appeared by using two sets of anatomical parameters to triangulate a date for its origins. I argue that, for language as we now have it, it cannot have been before the appearance of modern humans. Neanderthals and other archaic humans may have had language, but it would have been much less sophisticated.
参考文献 :
– Dunbar, R. (2009). Why only humans have language. In: R. Botha & C. Knight (eds) The Prehistory of Language, pp. 12-35. Oxford University Press.
– Dàvid-Barrett, T. & Dunbar, R. (2016). Language as a coordination tool evolves slowly. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160259.
– Dunbar, R. (2017). Group size, vocal grooming and the origins of language. Psychonomic Bulletin Review 24: 209-212.
Robin Dunbar 氏について:
ブリストル大学でPh.D.を取得後、ケンブリッジ大学、ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、リヴァプール大学等での研究を経て、2007年よりオックスフォード大学教授。ヒトを含む霊長類の社会的繋がりを支える行動・認知・神経内分泌学的メカニズムの理解を目指した霊長類学・進化心理学の研究に従事。言語の適応的機能は繋がりの構築・維持にあるという言語起源の仮説を提示した”Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language”(1997)(邦訳『ことばの起源:猿の毛づくろい、人のゴシップ』(1998))は、言語進化研究の嚆矢となる書籍のひとつである。安定した社会関係を築く人数の限界である「ダンバー数」の提唱でも有名。イギリス学士院フェロー、2015年にトーマス・ハックスリー記念賞受賞。
タイトル :語彙習得と記号接地:語彙システム構築のために必要な推論とその起源
(Inference involved in lexical acquisition: from grounding the first words to the construction of mature lexical systems)
講演者 :今井むつみ氏 (慶應義塾大学環境情報学部教授)
言語 :日本語
日時 :2021/8/3 (火) 17:30-19:00 JST
参考文献 :
– Imai, M., Murai, C., Miyazaki, M., Okada, H & Tomonaga, M. (2021). The contingency symmetry bias (affirming the consequent fallacy) as a prerequisite for word learning: A comparative study of pre-linguistic human infants and chimpanzees: Cognition, volume214. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104755
– Saji, N., Asano, M., & Imai, M. (2020). Acquisition of the meaning of the word orange requires understanding of the meanings of red, pink and purple: Constructing a lexicon as a connected system. Cognitive Science, 44, e12813. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12813
– Imai, M. Hidaka, S. Saji, N. & Ohba, M. (2018). Symbol grounding and system construction in the color lexicon. Tim Rogers, Marina Rau, Jerry Zhu, & Chuck Kalish (Eds.) In the Proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp.1853-1858)
– Asano, M., Imai, M., Kita, S., Kitajo, K., Okada, H. & Thierry, G. (2015). Sound Symbolism Scaffolds Language Development in Preverbal Infants. Cortex, 63, 196-205. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.08.025
– Imai, M. & Kita, S. (2014). The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soceity B. Phil., vol.,369: no. 1651, pii: 20130298, doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0298
– 今井むつみ (2014年) 言語発達と身体への新たな視点 今井むつみ・佐治伸朗編 岩波講座『コミュニケーションの認知科学』第1巻第1章 pp1-34. 岩波書店
– 今井むつみ・佐治伸郎 (2014年) 人と言語 今井むつみ・佐治伸朗編 岩波講座『コミュニケーションの認知科学』第1巻第10章 pp. 259-284. 岩波書店
講演者: Thom Scott-Phillips(Senior Research Scientist, the Social Mind Center and the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University (Budapest))
言語 : 英語
日時 : 2021/6/30 (水) 17:30-19:00 JST (2021/6/30 10:30-12:00 CEST)(少し延びる可能性あり)
How should we understand the findings of animal linguistics? Over the past 20 or so years, detailed comparative studies have revealed how some important qualities observed in human languages are also present, in some form or another, in the communication systems of other species. To pick just one example, the calls of chestnut-crowned babblers exhibit the collection of qualities that characterise ‘duality of patterning’, a property many linguists have identified as foundational. How should we interpret such discoveries, and accommodate them into linguistic theory? I will present an answer from the perspective of cognitive pragmatics.
First, I will summarise my experimental research showing basic combinatorics in bacterial communication. Second, I will argue that what is being revealed by animal linguistics is how many aspects of combinatoriality are present in the cognition of other species, and as such is potentially available to be co-opted by any culturally evolving communication system. Third, I will sketch the argument that what makes human communication so distinctive is that humans spontaneously interpret communicative stimuli as optimally relevant. This tendency sets in motion the cultural evolution of words and grammars, as epistemic tools that massive enhance human communication.参考文献:
– Heintz, C., & Scott-Phillips, T. (under review). Expression unleashed.
– Scott-Phillips, T. (in press). Languages & the Necker cube. Inference: International Review of Science.
– Scott-Phillips, T., Diggle, S., Gurney, J., Ivens, A. & Popat, R. (2014). Combinatorial communication in bacteria: Implications for the origins of linguistic generativity. PLoS One, 9(4), e95929.
– Scott-Phillips, T., Kirby, S., & Ritchie, G. (2009). Signalling signalhood and the emergence of communication. Cognition, 113(2), 226-233.Thom Scott-Phillips氏について:
エディンバラ大学でMSc、PhDを取得後、エディンバラ大学、ダラム大学での研究を経て、現職。心と文化、特にコミュニケーションと言語に対して進化学と認知科学からアプローチする研究を続けている。語用論の観点から言語の起源・進化を論じる画期的な本である”Speaking Our Minds”を2014年に上梓。本書の訳書『なぜヒトだけが言葉を話せるのか ーコミュニケーションから探る言語の起源と進化』(東京大学出版会)が7/2に刊行予定(http://www.utp.or.jp/book/b577409.html )。拡大
概要 :
– Yamagiwa J, Shimooka Y, Sprague DS (2014) Life history tactics in monkey and apes : focus on female-dispersal species. In : Yamagiwa J & Karczmarski L (eds), Primate and Cetacean : field research and conservation of complex mammalian societies, Springer, Tokyo, pp. 173-206.
– Yamagiwa J, 2018. Evolution of community and humanity from primatological viewpoints. In : Stomu Yamash’ta, Tadashi Yagi, Stephen Hill (eds), The Kyoto Manifesto for Global Economics : The Platform of Community, Humanity, and Spirituality, Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 329-357.
– ロビン・ダンバー著『人類進化の謎を解き明かす』(2016)インターシフト
– 野間秀樹著『言語存在論』(2018)東京大学出版会
– ダニエル・エヴァレット著『言語の起源』(2020)白揚社
Heidi Colleran (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Markus Feldman(Stanford University)
Joseph Henrich (Harvard Unversity)
Kazuo Okanoya (University of Tokyo)
Brigitte Pakendorf (CNRS) https://www.chain.hokudai.ac.jp/CES2020/plenary-speakers-new/
タイトル: Ready to Learn
講演者: Charles Yang (Professor, Department of Linguistics, Computer Science, and Psychology, University of Pennsylvania)
概要 :
I review some evidence that the mechanism of language acquisition appears to be domain general, and thus possibly evolutionarily available prior to the emergence of the core faculty of language. A more directly empirical consequence of this view, if correct, is that Universal Grammar consists only of formal, but not substantive, universals.
– Yang, C. (2020) How to make the most out of very little. Topics in Cognitive Science, 12: 136-152. https://doi.org/10.1111/tops.12415
– Yang, C. (2018) A User’s Guide to the Tolerance Principle, lingbuzz/004146. https://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/004146
Charles Yang氏について:
ペンシルバニア大学言語学・コンピュータ科学・心理学科教授。同Integrated Language Science and Technology 代表。2000年にMITからPh.D.取得(コンピュータ科学)。研究テーマは言語獲得、言語変異・変化、自然言語処理の他、言語と認知・知覚の関係など心の科学全般に渡る。主な著書にKnowledge and Learning in Natural Language (OUP 2003)、The Infinite Gift: How Children Learn and Unlearn the Languages of the World (Scribner’s 2006)、The Price of Productivity: How Children Learn to Break the Rules of Language (MIT Press 2016) など。
タイトル: 認知言語学による言語進化研究の可能性:形式の進化と意味の進化
(A View of Cognitive Evolinguistics: An Exploration of Evolution of Linguistic Forms and Meanings)
講演者: 谷口一美(京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 教授)
– Taniguchi, Kazumi (2017) “MAP Grammar: A Cognitive Grammar Perspective,” A. Tajino (ed.) A New Approach to English Pedagogical Grammar: The Order of Meanings, 51-62, Routledge.
– 谷口一美 (2018) 「最新の構文文法研究の進展」早瀬尚子(編)『言語の認知とコミュニケーション ―意味論・語用論、認知言語学、社会言語学 ―』 第Ⅲ部, 開拓社.
– Taniguchi, Kazumi (2019) “Language Acquisition: A Systemic View from Cognitive Linguistics,” A. Tajino (ed.) A Systems Approaches to Language Pedagogy, 11-22, Springer.
タイトル: 自閉症児の韻律:韻律音声学手法を用いた解析からみえてくる特性
(Intonational Phonology can shed light on the nature of prosody in Japanese children with ASD:
Dissociating linguistic and para-linguistic aspects of intonation)
– Scheffer LK, Xu CS, Januszewski M, Lu Z, Takemura SY, Hayworth KJ, et al. A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain. eLife. 2020, 9, e57443. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57443.
– Tsubouchi A, Yano T, Yokoyama TK, Murtin C, Otsuna H, Ito K, Topological and modality-specific representation of somatosensory information in the fly brain, Science. 2017, 358, 615-623. doi: 10.1126/science.aan4428
Constructive approach to the co-evolution of language and linguistic ability
講演者 :米納 弘渡(名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻 特任研究員)
言語 :日本語
日時 :2021/2/11 (木・祝) 17:30-19:00 JST
概要 :
人類の言語能力は,言語それ自体の文化進化(古英語から英語への変化など)と,言語使用に必要な言語能力(高い認知能力に必要な脳容量,多様な音声のための声帯など)の生物進化の相互作用で創発してきたと考えられる [Azumagakito 2018, Smith 2018].また,言語には,思考能力の拡張とコミュニケーション能力の拡張の2側面があり[Harman 1975, Reboul 2015],それぞれ本領域の中心テーマである階層性と意図共有に対応する.
言語と言語能力の共進化において,学習は両者をつなぐ重要な役割を果たしてきたと考えられる.そこで,言語能力は多数の下位機能による創発的特性であるとの観点に基づき,複雑な形質間相互作用を想定した個体学習と社会学習の進化モデルを構築した[Yonenoh 2019].各個体は整数の形質値を複数持ち,言語の認知的側面(自身の持つ形質構成)とコミュニケーション的側面(相手個体を含めた形質構成)において,より多数の相互作用が存在するほど適応性が共創的に(相乗的に)生じる.実験の結果,学習は適応進化を促進しうること(ボールドウィン効果)や,社会学習(適応的情報の共有)と個体学習(試行錯誤的な新奇情報獲得)が相補的に働くことが重要であることなどが示唆された.
言語の起源は共同狩猟や死肉あさり等の協力的な資源獲得が関係してきたと指摘されている[Bickerton 2011].一方,人類社会は当初の有限で物質的な資源から,知識などの無限に複製可能な情報的な資源を共有するよう変化しているといえる.そこで,次の構成論的モデルを構築した[Yonenoh 2020, in press].極座標(動径:表現力,偏角:構造)で表現された言語空間上に各言語が点で表現される.各生物は扇型の領域(可塑性)で表され,領域内に存在する言語を共有する個体間で共同資源を獲得し分配される.資源有限性,言語の表現力,共創的利益,認知的競合,可塑性維持コストに基づく適応度で生物集団が進化すると同時に,言語使用に応じて言語集団も文化進化する.実験の結果,言語の表現力と生物の言語能力が断続平衡的に増加する様子が観察され,資源有限性の減少(情報化)は言語の適応進化を促進するが,多様化を抑制する傾向があることなどがわかった.最後に,将来のコミュニケーションのあり方に対するこれらの知見からの示唆について検討する.
– Yonenoh, H., Suzuki, R. and Arita, T. (2019), Effects of individual and social learning on the evolution of co-creative linguistic communication, Artificial Life and Robotics, 24: 534-541.
– Yonenoh, H., Suzuki, R. and Arita, T. (in press), A shift from material to informational aspects of shared resources can promote language evolution, Advances in Artificial Intelligence (8 pages).
– Nakai T, Nishimoto S. Quantitative models reveal the organization of diverse cognitive functions in the brain. Nature communications, 11(1), 1142-1142, 2020.
– Koide-Majima N, Nakai T, Nishimoto S. Distinct dimensions of emotion in the human brain and their representation on the cortical surface. NeuroImage, 222, 117258, 2020.
– Nakai T, Yamaguchi HQ, Nishimoto S. Convergence of modality invariance and attention selectivity in the cortical semantic circuit. bioRxiv, 160960, 2020.
– Nakai T, Okanoya K. Neural Evidence of Cross-domain Structural Interaction between Language and Arithmetic. Scientific reports, 8(1), 12873, 2018.
2018年、Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyにてPh.D in Linguisticsを取得。2018年8月より現職。新学術領域「共創言語進化」B01 行動生物班メンバー。機械学習を用いた言語学・動物行動学のデータ分析に従事。
参考文献 : – Takashi Morita & Hiroki Koda. 2020. Exploring TTS without T Using Biologically/Psychologically Motivated Neural Network Modules (ZeroSpeech 2020). Proceedings of Interspeech 2020. pp. 4856–4860. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2020-3127.
– Takashi Morita & Hiroki Koda. 2019. Superregular grammars do not provide additional explanatory power but allow for a compact analysis of animal song. Royal Society Open Science. p. 190139. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.190139.
(Research Professor, Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies (ICREA),
Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS))
タイトル: A compositional view of the origins of the modern human language faculty
言語 :英語
概要 :
In this talk I want to explore new ways of probing further the mosaic nature of the language faculty through the prism of its evolutionary trajectory. It is now clear that a simplistic evolutionary scenario of the sort still entertained by some linguists (e.g. Berwick and Chomsky’s 2016 “Why Only Us” account) is untenable, detached as it is from robust empirical considerations generated in allied disciplines (archaeology, paleogenetics, etc.). The piecemeal assembly of the language faculty over evolutionary time will be examined here, focusing not only on the subcomponents of language but also on the temporal order of their emergence. A bit like semanticists do when talking about compositionality, we’ll be asking about the component parts of the language faculty and how they were put together.
I’ll take inspiration from Limor Raviv’s recent work, and I’ll explore this question using agent-based modeling, but also through bioinformatic methods allowing us to date the origins of certain genetic variants.
– Kuhlwilm, M., & Boeckx, C. (2019). A catalog of single nucleotide changes distinguishing modern humans from archaic hominins. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
– Martins, P. T., & Boeckx, C. (2019). Language evolution and complexity considerations: the no half-merge fallacy. Plos biology, 17(11), e3000389.
– Raviv, L., Meyer, A., & S. Lev-Ari. (2019). Larger communities create more systematic languages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1907):20191262.
Prof. Cedric Boeckxについて:
ハーバード大学言語学科准教授を経て、現在、スペインのCatalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)の研究教授、バルセロナ大学の複雑系研究所(UBIC)および一般言語学部門のメンバー。研究グループ”Cognitive Biology of Language”のPI、新学術領域「共創言語進化」国際アドバイザーを務める。
著書として、”Linguistic Minimalism” (2006), “Bare Syntax” (2008), “Language in Cognition” (2009)(邦訳『言語から認知を探る―ホモ・コンビナンスの心』、”Syntactic Islands”(2012)、”Elementary Syntactic Structures” (2015) 等多数。2020年、レオナルド・フェローシップを得る。
詳細はこちら 参考文献:
– Kashiwadate, K., Yasuda, T., Fujita, K., Kita, S., & Kobayashi, H. (2020). Syntactic Structure Influences Speech-Gesture Synchronization, Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science, 11(1), 10–14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5178/lebs.2020.73
– Kashiwadate, K., Yasuda, T., & Kobayashi, H. (2019). Do people use gestures differently to disambiguate the meanings of Japanese compounds?. Cognitive Science Society Meeting pp. 527-531) (Student Travel Grants Award受賞)
第3回共創言語進化セミナー “The symbol un-grounding process and the semiotic basis of grammar and syntax”
タイトル: The symbol un-grounding process and the semiotic basis of grammar and syntax
講演者: Terrence Deacon (Professor, University of California, Berkeley)
言語: 英語
日時: 2020/10/1(木) 10:30~12:00JST (9/30 (Wed) 18:30-20:00 PDT)
It is widely assumed by linguists and psychologists that words are abstract sign vehicles arbitrarily mapped to corresponding mental concepts and categories of objects. This assumption leads to two troubling implications: 1) difficulty explaining how symbolic reference is established (the so-called “symbol grounding problem”) and 2) difficulty explaining the source of the systematic regularities of grammar and syntax (i.e. whether nature or nurture – innate mental algorithms or serendipitously widespread social conventions). These explanatory dilemmas derive from a reductive oversimplification of the symbol concept that ignores the fact that symbolic reference is hierarchically dependent on non-symbolic forms of reference (e.g. systematic relationships among iconic and indexical forms of reference).
I suggest instead that we need to invert this logic and consider a bottom-up analysis of the construction of symbolic reference. This can be termed the “symbol un-grounding process.” Iconic and indexical signs are intrinsically grounded in the sense that the sign vehicles themselves embody features (similar form and physical correlational features, respectively) that link them to what they refer. But symbolic forms, like words and morphemes which specifically lack intrinsic features to ground their reference, instead must depend on relations between sign vehicles to provide referential grounding. This means that what we describe as grammar and syntax are the expression of necessary iconic and indexical semiotic constraints that symbolic reference depends on for its referential grounding. In this sense many of the most nearly universal features of grammar and syntax derive neither from nature nor from nurture, but are expressions of semiotic universals. Failure to respect these constraints results in ambiguity of referential grounding.
This also undermines the so-called “poverty of the stimulus” argument, because it means that young children acquiring their first language actually receive extensive feedback about their use of grammar and syntax—in the form of failure to communicate or interpret reference. In addition, infants acquire considerable experience respecting the constraints of iconic and indexical communication prior to and during the early stages of language acquisition via their communicative interactions with caretakers and supported by their innate tendencies to point and track the attention of others.
Terrence Deacon教授について:
カルフォルニア大学バークレー校人類学部およびHelen Wills神経科学研究所教授。新学術領域「共創言語進化」国際アドバイザリーボードのメンバーを務める。。
Deacon氏は、ヒトの進化生物学と神経科学を架橋することで人間の認知の進化を解き明かす研究で世界をリードし、多数の重要な業績を出している。特に、1997年の著書”The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain”(邦訳『ヒトはいかにして人となったか―言語と脳の共進化』)は世界的なベストセラーであり、言語進化・認知進化の研究に大きなインパクトを与えた。参考文献:
– Deacon, T.W. (1998) The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain, W.W. Norton & Company (『ヒトはいかにして人となったか―言語と脳の共進化』 金子隆芳訳 (1999)、新曜社)
– Deacon, T.W. (2011) Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter, W.W. Norton & Company.
– その他言語、脳機能、進化に関する文献: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=terrence+deacon&btnG=
参考文献: Sano, K, et al., (2019), The earliest evidence for mechanically delivered projectile weapons in Europe, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(10), 1409-1414. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-019-0990-3 Sano, K, et al., (2020), A 1.4-million-year-old bone handaxe from Konso, Ethiopia, shows advanced tool technology in the early Acheulean, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(31), 18393-18400. https://www.pnas.org/content/117/31/18393
【午前の部 10:00-13:00】
10:00-10:10 趣旨説明
10:10-10:40岡ノ谷 一夫 「意図共有と階層性はなぜ言語起源の二つの柱となるのか」
10:40-11:10 橋本 敬「共創的コミュニケーション:what is it, who has it, and how could it evolve?」
11:15-11:45 笠井 清登「他者、価値、思春期、言の葉、主体化、ニッチ構築、再び言葉、当事者化、共同創造」
11:45-12:15 クロストーク
タイトル: Constructive approaches to language evolution
概要: The problem how human languages have evolved is one of the most fascinating problems of science. We have a lot of data on actual language evolution collected by historical linguists and sociolinguists but there is still no widely accepted theory. This presentation surveys work that uses a synthetic or constructive approach to study this problem, meaning that we proceed through experiments with artificial agents (possibly even humanoid robots) that are given the minimal infrastructure to create their own language and then we observe what language emerges. There is a practical utility to this challenge but in this talk we are interested to learn more about how these experiments can inform us about the origins of human language. The constructive approach started already in the mid nineteen-nineties and has by now yielded a rich harvest of models and experiments. Recently there has been a renewed interest to apply methods from deep learning. This talk surveys progress so far and then looks ahead to see how we could most profitably advance further.
Luc Steels氏 略歴: ブリュッセル自由大学計算機科学科の教授、Sony Computer Science Laboratory – Parisの所長を長く務め、現在はスペインのCatalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA)の進化生物学研究所の研究教授であり、新学術領域「共創言語進化」国際アドバイザーを務める。 Steels氏は欧州における人工知能研究のパイオニアであり、特にエキスパートシステム、群ロボット、人工生命の研究で重要な貢献をしている。そして、ロボットやコンピュータシミュレーションを用いた言語進化研究の構成論的研究の創始者の一人である。
オーガナイズドセッション “Various constructive approaches to revealing the origins and evolution of language”
日時:2020年1月24日(金) 8:45~12:00
会場:ビーコン・プラザ, 別府, 日本
オーガナイズドセッション Various constructive approaches to revealing the
origins and evolution of language
in 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2020)
* Time&Date: 8:45~12:00, January 24th (Fri), 2020
* Place: B-Con PLAZA, Beppu, Japan
* Organizer: Hiroto Yonenoh (Nagoya University), Genta Toya (JAIST)
How and why did humans come to have language faculties and complex
languages? This issue, i.e., “the origins and evolution of language,”
has been studied in various fields using various methods. In order to
think about this issue, we need not only to treat each of the various
components (e.g. biological/cultural evolution, thinking/communicative
abilities of individuals) separately, but also to consider the complex
interactions between their objects. We regard the constructive
approaches as very powerful ones to deal with the origins and evolution
of language. In view of the importance of the various approaches, this
session focuses on the studies of the origins and evolution of language
using various constructive approaches.
25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2020)
* 日時:2020年1月24日(金) 8:45~12:00
* 会場:ビーコン・プラザ, 別府, 日本
* オーガナイザー:米納弘渡(名古屋大学),外谷弦太(JAIST)
1. Neural mechanisms for artificial grammar processing
Reber (1967) investigated artificial grammar learning (AGL) for study of implicit learning, and AGL has served as an evidence that men have ability for learning of new languages implicitly in adults after the ‘critical period’. fMRI has provided data that indicate AGL activate the language centre such as Broca’s area,collaborating a view that AGL paradigm capture the core mechanisms of language, namely syntax, without any effect of semantics. The seminal paper by Fitch, Hauser, & Chomsky (2002), has boosted AGL studies contrasting context-free grammar (CFG) and regular grammar (RG). The main finding was that humans can process both CFG and RG, but monkeys can only RG. Using fMRI, Friederici et al., supported this finding by showing that CFG activated Broca’s area but RG did the frontal operculum instead of Broca’s area.
2. Primate sequential actions before emergences of hierarchical structures
Animal sequential behaviour such as bird songs have been comparatively tested with the human language syntax, and most researchers have believed that the lacks of hierarchy organizations in the sequential actions of animal behaviours were a key component to divide animal songs from our language syntactic rules. Here I talked our recent progress of grammatical analysis of gibbon songs or sequential analysis of monkeys action patterns. Together with the evidence of the other animals, I will attempt to discuss a possible evolutionary causation to provide only us a hierarchy complexity.
3. Systems underlying human and nonhuman primate communication: One, two, or infinite
•宮川繁(MIT) & Esther Clarke(Durham University/MIT)
Using artificially synthesized stimuli, previous research has shown that cotton-top tamarin monkeys easily learn simple AB grammar sequences, but not the more complex AnBn sequences that require hierarchical structure. Humans have no trouble learning AnBn combinations. A more recent study, using similar artificially created stimuli, showed that there is a neuroanatomical difference in the brain between these two kinds of arrays. While the simpler AB sequences recruit the frontal operculum, the AnBn array recruits the phylogenetically newer Broca’s area. We propose that on close inspection, reported vocal repertoires of Old World Monkeys show that these nonhuman primates are capable of calls that have two items in them, but never more than two. These are simple AB sequences, as predicted by previous research. In addition, we suggest the two-item call cannot be the result of a combinatorial operation that we see in human language, where the recursive operation of Merge allows for a potentially infinite array of structures. In our view, the two-item calls of nonhuman primates result from a dual-compartment frame into which each of the calls can fit without having to be combined by an operation such as Merge. This is expected if the two-term calls arise from recruiting the frontal operculum, which is known to combine two items, but never more than two.
プログラム: 8月13日(火)Roles of Gesture in Language and Communication
Gestures and the origin of language – Michael Corballis, Emeritus Professor, University of Auckland
What children’s gestures tell us about evolution of language – Sotaro Kita, Professor, University of Warwick
Origins of non-linguistic gestural communication – Ulf Liszkowski, Professor, University of Hamburg
8月15日(木)Time, Gesture and Evolution of Language
The evolution of human language – Michael Corballis, Emeritus Professor, University of Auckland
Children create design features of language – Sotaro Kita, University of Warwick
講師:Mercedes Okumura(Laboratory for Human Evolutionary Studies, Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
タイトル:Stone Tools, Language and the Brain in Human Evolution
要旨:This talk aims to present the state-of-the-art research on the interplay among stone tool making, brain size, and the origins of language in human evolution. We will address the use of tools in non-human animals and its adaptive significance, as well as the main innovations observed in tool making along the evolutionary history of humans. We will also discuss how changes in the brain size and shape in the hominin lineage could be related to both tool making and language.
We are running two research projects entitled “Adolescent Sociality across Cultures: Establishing a Japan-UK Collaboration” and “Evolinguistics: Integrative Studies of Language Evolution for Co-creative Communication”. These two projects share many topics, such as life history evolution, cultural transmission, social network, communication, cognitive development, and (allo)parental investment, including general evolutionary and ecological foundations of humans. This symposium provides an opportunity to explore ideas, to build research networks, and to advance more integrated approaches. We will welcome 7 speakers (including 5 researchers based in the UK) whose talks cover several aspects of the adolescent sociality and language evolution. Organizers hope that you can enjoy this symposium like ALE beer! (or your favorite something!)
The Evolving Language Capacity in the Lineage of Genus Homo
Dieter Hillert 教授(San Diego State Univ, USA)によるレクチャー “The Evolving Language Capacity in the Lineage of Genus Homo” を開催します。
会場:東京大学駒場Iキャンパス 3号館2F 211A号室
A unique trait of modern humans is to use symbols in a recursive fashion to express thoughts. This neurally implemented language capacity evolved after the split from genus Pan about 6 ma (years ago) leading to modern humans. It has been said however that the language capacity emerged more recently with the appearance of behavioral modernity ca. 100-50 k years ago. In considering genetic and neuroanatomical findings but also records about prehistoric cultural traditions, it seems reasonable to assume that the biological capacity for language may have evolved much earlier than previously thought not only in modern humans about also in our sister species Neanderthals and Denisovans. Linguistic fossils, traces of a linear grammar, which can be found in various forms of languages, point moreover to a premodern language stage. We draw conclusions about the possible language capacity of Homo erectus, which may have been an a priori condition for the emergence of a recursive modern language capacity.
連絡:岡ノ谷 一夫 <cokanoya@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
13:00-15:00 Session One: Cultural Influence on cognitive development in individuals with ASD (Chair: Masahiro Hirai, Jichi Medical University, Japan)
13:00-13:40: Understanding social behaviour in Autism: What ca cross-cultural comparisons offer? (Deborah Riby & Mary Hanley, Durham University, UK)
13:40-14:20: Diversity in socio-cultural experience influences early development of social cognition (Atsushi Senju, Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
14:20-15:00: From the lab to the field in LMICs: assessment of children with ASD in Delhi (Georgia Lockwood Estrin, Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
15:00- 15:30 Short break
15:30-17:30: Session Two: Experiences of stakeholders across different cultures (Chair: Kosuke Asada, Hakuoh University, Japan)
15:30-16:10: Understanding, awareness and estimated prevalence of autism in Nepal (Michelle Heys, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College London and East London NHS foundation trust, UK)
16:10-16:50: Introduction to Tojisha-kenkyu: Co-production of autism research in Japan (Shin-ichiro Kumagaya, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
16:50-17:30: Toward Inclusive Society for Autism Spectrum: Action research on the methodology of Tojisha-kenkyu, Societal Mainstream Studies, and Accessible Information Design for AS (Satsuki Ayaya, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
17:30-18:00 General Discussion
18:00- Reception(東京大学駒場Iキャンパス18号館4階オープンスペース)
Evolinguistics Workshop 2019
Hierarchy, intention sharing, and language evolution: Beyond interdisciplinary conceptual barriers
本領域の2つの中心概念である階層性と意図共有に関わる講演・研究発表を通じて、研究者間の学際的な交流を図るワークショップを二日間にわたって開催します。ケルン大の Language and Music in Cognition プロジェクトとの共催となります。
Lecture 1: Network-based approaches to vocal learning
Stephanie White (UCLA)
Lecture 2: How learning and interaction create and destroy
linguistic structure
Kenny Smith (University of Edinburgh)
Lecture 3: Syntax in the light of evolution: Intermediate stepping
stones toward hierarchy, Move, and recursion
Ljiljana Progovac (Wayne State University)
講演タイトル:Gradual evolution of some key postulates of syntax: Making sense of small clauses, middles, islands, exocentrics, and other syntactic shortcomings
新学術領域『共創言語進化』では 「東京共創言語進化学講座」(Tokyo Lectures in Evolinguistics 2019)と題して,以下の要領で言語進化学の春季講習会を開催します。詳細は特設サイトをご覧ください。
日時: 2019年3月11 日(月)~ 3月13日(水)
場所: 東京大学 駒場Iキャンパス 21 KOMCEE West B1Fレクチャーホール
Ljiljana Progovac (Linguistics Department, Wayne State University)
Kenny Smith (School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh)
Stephanie White (Brain Research Institute, UCLA)
9:00~9:10 挨拶
9:15~10:10 オキシトシンによる自閉スペクトラム症中核症状の新規治療薬開発
~マルチモダリティMRI、ゲノム解析、動物実験の活用~ 山末英典(浜松医科大学)
10:15~11:10 脳機能画像にもとづく発達障害の生物学的指標の探索:安静時機能ネットワークを中心に 橋本龍一郎(首都大学東京・昭和大学)
11:15~12:10 鳥類・齧歯類における発声制御の動機づけ機構 岡ノ谷一夫(東京大学)
13:15~14:10 Neuroanatomical considerations on the linguistic merging mechanism in humans
Emiliano Zaccarella(Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)
14:15~15:10 自閉症スペクトラム障害(ASD)と社会的コミュニケーション障害(SCD)の関係 若林明雄(千葉大学)
15:10~15:15 閉会の挨拶
プログラム <プログラム・アクセス情報 ダウンロード>
1. Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico)
“Introduction to Signed Language Linguistics from a Cognitive Viewpoint:
From Stokoe’s Semantic Phonology to Cognitive Grammar”
2. Daisuke Hara (Toyota Technological Institute)
“A Remark on the Well-formedness of Syllables in Japanese Sign Language”
3. Yufuko Takashima (JSPS)
“Polysemy and Evidentiality in Japanese Sign Language”
4. Kazumi Matsuoka (Keio University)
“Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Modals and Modal Verbs in Japanese Sign Language”
5. Wataru Takei (Kanazawa University)
“Seeking the Missing Link between Home Signs and Sign Languages”
6. Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico)
“A Cognitive-Functional Perspective on Modals (with an Observation about Sign and Gesture)”
会場:芝蘭会館別館 研究室2
プログラム <プログラム・アクセス情報 ダウンロード>
1. Asako Uchibori (Nihon University)
“Some Notes on Syntactic Functions of Finger Pointing in Japanese Sign Language”
2. Yufuko Takashima (JSPS) and Eikoh Kuroda (Japanese Sign Language Teachers Center)
“Complex Sentence and Grammaticization in Japanese Sign Language”
3. Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico)
“Pointing, Place, and Placing in Signed Language Nominal and Clausal Constructions”
Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying behavior presents a formidable challenge requiring a well-chosen model system and sophisticated experimental tools. Vocalizations of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) are an exceptionally well suited model system for this objective. In this species, a simplified mechanism of vocal production allows straightforward interpretations of neuronal activity with respect to behavior, and neural mechanisms of calling can be studied in vitro because fictive vocalizations can be elicited in the isolated brain. Furthermore, the vocalizations of Xenopus are sexually differentiated, and rapid androgen-induced masculinization of female vocalizations provides an invaluable opportunity for determining how new behavior arises from existing neural circuits in response to steroid hormones. In my talk, I will discuss how the vocal central pattern generators (CPG) are constructed, and an unexpected discovery of feedback pathways within the CPG that play a critical role in the rhythm generation. In addition, I will describe our work developing a technique to deliver transgenes into the frog nervous system.
会場:東京大学駒場1キャンパス KOMCEE West B1F レクチャーホール・MMホール(キャンパスマップ)
Fish as model systems for vocal communication and hearing research
Teleost fish comprise the largest group of extant vertebrates displaying the greatest diversity in sound producing apparatus and sensory hearing structures for social communication and orientation. Neural circuitry controlling vocal behaviour in vertebrates seems to have evolved from conserved brain areas found in ancestral fish before they diverged into the major clades. Thus, studies that investigate acoustic communication systems in this taxon are important to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying social acoustic communication.
Moreover, studying organisms from an early diverging vertebrate lineage such as fish is essential to comprehend the evolution and function of the vertebrate inner ear, since many early developmental events are evolutionary conserved.
In this talk I will focus on the social role and physiological mechanisms controlling acoustic communication in toadfishes (Batrachoididae). I will further discuss current research on auditory plasticity and development of auditory function using both models – toadfish and zebrafish (Danio rerio, Cyprinidae).
Kazumi Taniguchi (Kyoto U., theoretical linguistics) “A cognitive linguistics view of language acquisition and its implications for language evolution”
Harumi Kobayashi (Tokyo Denki U., developmental psychology) “Ostensive-inferential communication and language development”
Reiji Suzuki (Nagoya U., artificial life) “Constructive approaches to evolution of social learning and niche construction”
Takashi Hashimoto (JAIST, science of complexity) “Adaptability of recursive combination: Evolutionary simulation and some speculations”
Cedric Boeckx (ICREA/UB, biolinguistics) “Self-domestication and its contribution to modern human cognition”
Kazuo Okanoya (U. of Tokyo, biological psychology) “Behavioral and neural mechanisms for stimulus chunking in birds and humans”
Mini-session 2: “Language acquisition and language evolution”
Mini-session 3: “Niche construction and language evolution”
In recent linguistic theory and the Minimalist Program in particular, the interface between linguistic and non-linguistic cognition has come to be of critical importance in the study of the nature of the faculty of language. In this regard, Un-Cartesian linguistics has radicalized old ideas about the nature of this interface, according to which the intrusion of language into the brain has reformatted primate cognition, creating a novel neural infrastructure in which human-specific thought can arise and without which it is unavailable. If so, there is no interface between two independent systems of language and thought in humans, and generativity in language and human-specific thought are the same. New evidence for this hypothesis comes from thought disturbances (psychopathologies). Un-Cartesian linguistics predicts that such disturbances must involve language disturbances. I will review recent evidence from my lab testing this prediction in three clinical populations: children and adolescents with autism who do not develop language in any modality, whether in production or in comprehension; patients with formal thought disorder, a symptom of schizophrenia; and patients with Huntington’s disease, an early dementia. It turns out that in all three cases, there is strong evidence that thought disintegration is mirrored in language disintegration, in a way that appears to be independent of non-linguistic neuro-psychological deficits. It is thus potentially key to better understanding these disorders and the connection between language and thought at large.