研究成果|Research Output

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2,582 records in total


雑誌論文|Journal papers

  • *伊藤恵子、安田哲也、小林春美、高田栄子


    発達心理学研究, 31, 80〜90, 査読有り

  • *今井むつみ、松井智子、中石ゆうこ、安田哲也、小林春美、木村淳子、内田伸子、楠見孝


    教育心理学年報, 59, 26〜337, 査読有り, DOI:10.5926/arepj.59.326

  • Kazumi Taniguchi

    Gibbs, Raymond W. Jr. (2017) Metaphor Wars: Conceptual Metaphors in Human Life. (Review)

    English Linguistics, 37-1, 124-135, 査読有り

  • *Takahashi T, Ihara Y

    Quantifying the spatial pattern of dialect words spreading from a central population

    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 17, 1-12, 査読有り


  • Xu, M., *Minagawa, Y., Kumazaki, H., Okada, K.,& Naoi, N.

    Prefrontal responses to odors in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: functional NIRS measurement combined with a fragrance pulse ejection system.

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience., 14, 523456, 査読無し, DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2020.523456

  • Endo T

    The benefactive -te ageru construction in Japanese family interaction and adult interaction

    Journal of Pragmatics, 172, 239-253, 査読有り, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2020.11.011

  • Hagihara H, Sakagami M

    Initial noun meanings do not differentiate into object categories: An experimental approach to Werner and Kaplan’s hypothesis

    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 190, 104710., 査読有り, DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104710

  • Koji Kawahara

    The Syntax of Japanese Predicative Ideophones

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 27, 1-15, 査読有り

  • *Vatanen, A, Endo, T, Yokomori, D

    Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Projection in Overlapping Agreements to Assertions: Stance-Taking as a Resource for Projection

    Discourse Processes, 58(4), 308-327, 査読有り, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2020.1801317

  • *Endo, T, Yokomori, D

    Self-addressed questions as fixed expressions for epistemic stance marking in Japanese conversation

    Fixed expression in interaction: Building language structure and social action, Mouton de Gruyter, 1, 203-236, 査読有り, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1075/pbns.315.08end

  • Huang, C., Chen, T.-Y., Hirose, Y. ,& Ito, T.

    Heterogeneous Tonal Behaviors and Markedness Hierarchy in Taiwanese Tone Sandhi.

    IEICE Technical Report [一般社団法人電子情報通信学会信学技報, TL2020-9(2020-12), 12月17日, 査読有り

  • Isono, S., & Hirose, Y.

    Processing cost of maintaining preverbal dependents

    IEICE Technical Report [一般社団法人電子情報通信学会信学技報, 120, 18-23, 査読無し

  • Minemi, I.

    Preverbal Prediction in the Comprehension of Filler-gap Dependencies by Japanese Learners of English

    『言語情報科学』 Language and information sciences, 18, 55-71, 査読有り

  • Matsubara, R., & Furukawa, K.

    Effect of L1 Japanese Phonology in Silent Reading of L2 English by Japanese Speakers

    『言語情報科学』 Language and information sciences, 18, 37-53, 査読有り

  • Ojima S & Okanoya K.

    Children’s learning of a semantics-free artificial grammar with center embedding

    Biolinguistics, 14, 21-48, 査読有り, DOI:https://doi.org/10.5964/bioling.9173

  • Ishizuka Y* Yamamoto J

    The effects of adult contingent responsiveness on increasing conversational responses through picture book reading setting in children with autism spectrum disorder

    Global Conferences Series: Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (GCSSSEH), 4, 206-213, 査読有り, DOI:10.32698/GCS-04280

  • *Oseki Y, Marantz A

    Modeling Human Morphological Competence

    Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 513740, 査読有り, DOI:https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.513740

  • Yoshimura Y, Kawahara K, Kikuchi M

    Turn-taking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Discussion regarding Ne and Backchannel Interjections

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 26, 1-11, 査読有り

  • Iwabuchi T*, Makuuchi M

    When a sentence loses semantics: Selective involvement of a left anterior temporal subregion in semantic processing.

    Eur J Neurosci, 53(3), 929-942, 査読有り, DOI:10.1111/ejn.15022

  • 千藤咲,*森阪匡通,若林郁夫,村上勝志,吉岡基


    哺乳類科学, 61, 169-177, 査読有り, DOI:10.11238/mammalianscience.61.169